Custom made plantar orthotics are made following the strict indications of the podiatrist to correct your problem.

Long-lasting, with a lifespan of three to five years.

Comfortable and dynamic
After being used to it, it will feel like your slippers. You will like it! The orthotics will help you in your regular daily activities and with sports.

These orthotics are designed to fit in your shoes not to be in your wardrobe. They can even be made to fit in high heels. Bring yours at your next appointment!
A diagnostic you can trust!
When you consult a podiatrist, you are with a medical doctor in podiatry and a foot expert. The podiatrist will make a well-defined diagnosis, clearly explain your problem and options of treatment. The podiatrist will decide whether the orthotics are necessary for you or not.
A Complex and Meticulous Process of Fabrication of Orthotics in Montreal
The podiatrist will start with a meticulous biomechanical exam and take measurements from every joint from the tip of your toe to your hip. He will also proceed with a stationary exam and a walking exam.
-> He will make a diagnostic and explain the foot’s type and related problems.
-> If an orthotic is necessary, the podiatrist will make a mold of the patient’s feet, indicate to the podiatric quality laboratory every angle and degrees of correction necessary for your foot for the best outcome.
-> At the delivery, if adjustments are required, the clinic has its own mini-lab to modify the orthotics and assure the follow-up.
No medical referral required, even for an orthotics prescription in Montreal. Consultations are covered by most insurance plans.