
A capsulitis is an inflammation of the capsule, the tissue that envelops the articulations. The metatarsal articulations are the most commonly injured. These are located just before the toe at the sole. A capsulitis can be caused by an excessive effort: a long walk, a long walking trip or a prolonged stationary work station.

Morton Neuroma

It is an inflammation and enlargement of the nerve located between the metatarsals heads; the articulations right before the toe. The neuroma can cause a numbing feeling, electric shocks to the toe or the forefoot. The pain caused by the neuroma is usually aggravated by the pressure from a closed shoe.

Bunion/ Hallux abducto-valgus

The bunion or hallux abducto-valgus is a hereditary process. It is an arthroses process where the head of the bone shift on the side, in an inward position. The bunion is caused by a muscle imbalance getting worse in time with the normal gradual collapsing of the foot. Aggravating factors are tight shoes, high heels, flat feet, a stationary work station or a prolonged walking period.

Hammer Toes

With the aging of the body, the foot has a normal tendency to slowly collapse. In reaction to this gradual collapsing, the toes have a tendency to grip more to the ground, making certain extensor muscles compensate for others. The hammer toe appears.

Plantar Fasciitis

The fascia is a fibro-elastic band under the foot that is used as an elastic by the body. Unfortunately, when there is too much pressure, inflammation appears and causes pain.

The plantar fasciitis is a common problem in the population. Seven people out of ten will suffer from one episode of plantar fasciitis in their lifetime. It does not mean that a plantar orthotic is necessary right away. It depends on the kind of foot, biomechanic, frequency of injury and type of work. Plantar fasciitis occurs more frequently in active workers or after an excessive effort. It can appear equally on a flat foot or a cavus foot (high arch).


The bursa separates the different layers of bones, tendons, fascias. When too much pressure or friction occurs, inflammation happens. We call it bursitis.

Achilles Tendinitis

The Achilles tendon is the strongest human tendon but bears an enormous amount of tension. Its inflammation should not be treated lightly. The inflammation of the Achilles tendon can appear at different levels: at its insertion, at the level of the heel or above. It is important to diminish the propulsive sports such as tennis, badminton or running to prevent any aggravation of the situation..

Ankle sprain

A misstep can sometimes cause a sprain ankle. Sprain ankle has a tendency to be ignored and not take care of resulting in a reduction of the mobility of the joint and sometimes long term residual pain or compensation. It is divided in three levels of injury : stretching of the ligaments of the ankle, a partial or complete tear of the ligaments or fracture of the bone at the ligament’s insertion. The right immobilization and proper rehabilitation, such as stretching exercises, is essential for an optimal outcome and long term mobility. The time necessary for the immobilization depends on the gravity of the sprain and level of injury.

Patellofemoral Syndrome

A misalignment of the foot can affect directly the position of the knee and create an internal or external pain to the knee. If you already have orthotics, it would be useful to bring them to your podiatrist to see if they are well designed for your problem and still accurate.

Hip and back injuries

A leg shorter than the other can have a direct impact on your hips and possibly cause back pain. Many professionals can be called on to resolve this. A podiatrist is used to work with different health care practitioners such as physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths.